Torah Fund is the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the “mothership” of our Sisterhood, and supports scholarships and programs in the five worldwide Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning. Having recently celebrated its 80th anniversary, Torah Fund has raised more than $110 million in more than eight decades. For more information about Torah Fund, click here:
In keeping with the shared mission of Torah Fund and the Sisterhood of NSS Beth El, our organization has a long history of supporting Torah Fund through the sponsorship of an impressive array of adult educational experiences. While no donation is too large or too small, a suggested minimum annual donation of $54 per person covers attendance at any or all of each year’s Torah Fund educational opportunities, all of which are open to everyone (women and men, Beth El members and non-members).
Donations to Torah Fund can be made by logging on here. (As there is no existing category for $54, our suggested minimum donation, you will need to enter this amount in the “other” space provided) or by mailing your check (payable to TORAH FUND) to: Maria Ponsillo, 1008 Sheridan Road, Highland Park, IL 60035.
Donors at the Benefactor level ($180) and above will receive the beautiful 5785 Torah Fund pin, which may also be worn as an eye-catching pendant. This year’s theme is “Am Yisrael Chai” (The people of Israel live). Visit for information about Torah Fund’s 2024-25 Campaign.
For more information about any of our Torah Fund offerings and how you can contribute, please contact Maria Ponsillo, our Torah Fund VP, at
Please note that a donation to the Torah Fund is separate from membership in Sisterhood. Every dollar contributed to Torah Fund is remitted directly to Torah Fund.
Sisterhood thanks you in advance for your support of Torah Fund!