In Pirke Avot 1:17 Shimon [the son of Rabban Gamliel] says, “It is not what one says, but rather what one does, that makes all the difference in our world.”
Members of North Suburban Synagogue Beth El’s B’Yachad dues level program are true role models to our entire community. Membership in B’Yachad requires an annual gift of $10,000 or more to the synagogue, which covers Synagogue dues, Kol Nidre Appeal donation, Chesed Dues donation, two tickets to our annual fundraising event, and two extra High Holiday tickets.
A B’Yachad pledge is especially meaningful as it displays your reverence for the Synagogue, the clergy and everything we do to make our synagogue a special community. Our B’Yachad members truly embody the words of Pirke Avot. Their generosity helps support our congregation and our community, from capital improvements to helping members in financial need.
B’Yachad members also receive special recognition and benefits for their B’Yachad membership status, such as invitations to special programs, receptions and events. B’Yachad member names appear at the top of our Annual Giving donor wall, recognizing them as important benefactors of the synagogue.
For more information about becoming a B’Yachad member, please contact Daniel Mesa, Executive Director, at (847) 432-0703 or