

Jewish Thoughts about Free Will – Part 2: Pharaoh
Shabbat Bo 5785 | By Rabbi Alex Freedman

Judaism and Free Will – Part One
Shabbat Vaera 5785 | By Rabbi Alex Freedman

Building Strong Jewish Identity in the Diaspora
Shabbat Vayechi 5785 | By Rabbi Alex Freedman

Rebuilding After Loss
Shabbat Hayyei Sarah | By Rabbi Alex Freedman

Why Not Celebrate Sukkot in the Spring?
Shabbat Hol Hamoed Sukkot | By Rabbi Alex Freedman

Yom Kippur:
Together We Will Make It Through
By Rabbi Michael Schwab
What Our Children Should Understand About Antisemitism
By Rabbi Alex Freedman

 What to Return to in 5785?
Shabbat Shuvah–Haazinu | By Rabbi Alex Freedman

Rosh Hashanah:
Rabbi Michael Schwab | Erev Rosh Hashanah | Let Hope Be Our Guide
Rabbi Michael Schwab | Rosh Hashanah | For Just This Moment
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Rosh Hashanah | Why Do Different Generations of Jews Feel Differently About Israel?

Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Shuvah – Haazinu: What to Return to in 5785?
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayelech: Social Ladders Should Be Social Circles
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Ki Tavo: Each of Us Has a Role in History
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Behukotai: The Lie of Israel and Genocide
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Kedoshim: Campus protests
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Passover 1: Passover After October 7th Should Be Different
Rabbi Michael Schwab | Shabbat Vayikra: What Will Be Your Esther Moment?
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Vayakhel: Betzalel, Grandson of Hur
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Ki Tisa: Together in Tough Times
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Terumah: Joy and Pain Together
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Vaera: Freedom’s First Step
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Miketz: From Bad to Good to Bad to Good
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Vayislach: What I’m Wrestling With Right Now
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Toldot: Better to Be the Younger Sibling
Rabbi Michael Schwab & Rabbi Alex Freedman| Shabbat Chayei Sarah: Lessons from the past to help us understand Israel’s present
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Lech Lecha: Freeing Israel’s Captives
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Noah: Israel: Strength and Peace 
Rabbi Michael Schwab | Shabbat Beresheet: Am Yisrael Chai – 10/14/23

Shmini Atzeret:
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Yizkor – Shmini Atzeret: Just be

Rabbi Alex Freedman | Shabbat Sukkot: Why is Sukkot right after Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur:
Rabbi Michael Schwab | Dedication: A Path to a Meaningful Life and A Better Society
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Why So Many Rules?

Rosh Hashanah:
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Leyl Rosh Hashanah: Alone Together 
Rabbi Michael Schwab | Rosh Hashanah 1: Chasing Inspiration
Rabbi Alex Freedman | Rosh Hashanah 1: How to Say Sorry
Rabbi Michael Schwab/Rabbi Alex Freedman | Rosh Hashanah 2:
Joint sermon: How to Deal with an Uncomfortable Jewish Text
Marla Grossberg: President’s Remarks




High Holiday Sermons 2019/5780:

Parshat Re’eh Rabbi Alex Freedman “Defining Anti-Semitism”
Parshat Kedoshim  Rabbi Alex Freedman “Honoring Parents Is Not For Kids”
Pesach II 5779 04.21.19  Rabbi Alex Freedman “Who Knows Why We End the Seder With “Who Knows 13?”
Parshat Mishpatim 02.02.19 Rabbi Alex Freedman “Mitzvah Means Jewish Responsibility”
Parshat Shimini 3.30.19 – Rabbi Alex Freedman “What’s Our Beef With The Pig?”
Parshat Shmot 12.29.18 – Rabbi Alex Freedman “Strangers: Heroines of the Exodus”
Parshat Shuva 9.15.18 – Rabbi Alex Freedman “Jonah = Noah 2.0”
Parshat Tezaveh 02.16.2019 – Rabbi Alex Freedman “Jewish Routines: Springboards for Growth and Change”
Parshat Vaera 01.05.19 – Rabbi Alex Freedman “Moses, Water, and Reflections”
Parshat Vayera 10.27.2018 – Rabbi Alex Freedman “Lead by Following”
Parshat VaYeshev 12.01.18 – Rabbi Alex Freedman “Where Should We Place the Hanukiyah in an Anti-Semitic World?”
Parshat Noah 10.13.2018 – Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Parshat Toldot 11.10.2018 – Rabbi Vernon Kurtz
Parshat Vayishlach 11.24.2018 – Rabbi Vernon Kurtz

High Holiday Sermons 2018/5779:

Shabbat Sermons:

High Holiday Sermons:

Shabbat Sermons:

High Holiday Sermons: