Social Action

Social Action

NSS Beth El’s Social Action Committee provides opportunities for individuals and families to work together and perform meaningful mitzvot that benefit both our Jewish Community and the greater community around us.  We believe that congregants of all ages grow from the experience of volunteering and giving through programs that emphasize the core values of tikkun olam.

We host several on-going and special mitzvah programs throughout the year, so we’re sure you will find a project and cause that speaks to you and your values. If there are other projects or ideayou’d like to share, please contact us, we’d love to hear from you!

Stay Connected

Current and Ongoing Annual Social Action Events


We are always planning opportunities to Be a Mensch & Do a Mitzvah! 

Questions? Please contact

Organizations We Support

The Ark
Chai Lifeline Midwest
Gratitude Generation
The Glenwood School
The Highwood Public Library
Linus Project
Mathildes Mentionables
Night Ministry
Moraine Township Food Pantry
Porch Community
US Troops

Annual Collections

The Ark – various collections throughout the year
Moraine Township Food Pantry various collections throughout the year
Warm Outerwear Drive – November/December
Canned Goods Drive – throughout the year