Our Beth El community embraces Gemilut Chasadim, “acts of loving kindness,” as one of our core values. It is a sacred part not only of who we are but what we do. During major life transitions or lifecycle moments, when celebrating times of joy or mourning the loss of a loved one, our caring community and spiritual leadership provides a deep connection.
Acts of loving kindness are especially important during this time of COVID. Through our Bikkur Cholim, HAZAK Senior Life, and Social Action outreach programs, Beth El provides caring, compassion, and support to help you, as well as to the wider community, through some of life’s challenges.
Bikkur Cholim, the mitzvah to visit and extend aid to the sick, is not limited to an age or stage in life. Whether it is you or your loved one who is in need, facing extensive medical challenges, a life-transition, or are home-bound, Beth El can be your caring resource. Click here to learn more about Bikkur Cholim.
HAZAK’s outreach is not only to seniors but to anyone in our congregation who may need help with meals, grocery shopping, and/ or medication pick-up. As the cold weather continues, please remember that we’re here for you. Click here to learn more about HAZAK.
Our Social Action Committee helps individuals and families work together to perform mitzvot that help both our Jewish Community and the larger community around us. Volunteering and giving through programs that emphasize the core values of Gemilut Chasadim, is another extension of who we are and what we do. Whether providing food for those that are hungry or clothing for those in need, you can help touch a life with kindness and be a part of a greater whole. Click here to learn more about our social action activities.
Misheberach (Prayer for Healing) – Community Prayers
The Misheberach prayer, for those in need of healing, is recited after the Torah Service on Shabbat and during the week on Mondays and Thursdays. Click here to add your loved ones name to our Misheberach list.