Any adult member of the congregation is eligible to become a member of the Ba’al Korei Institute by learning to read Torah using the cantillation system and by reading twice in one year at regularly scheduled services at Beth El. After the second reading, the new member is presented with the Institute’s gold plated membership pin. Each member of the Institute must continue to read twice a year at a regularly scheduled Beth El service to remain a member in good standing,
To assist adults wishing to learn Torah cantillation, the Institute sponsors a yearly class taught by the Hazzan of the congregation. The class meets weekly in the fall of each year. Participation in the class is free, and each graduate has the opportunity to read at a regularly scheduled Shabbat afternoon service upon completion of the class.
For those adults who are unable to attend the class, there are mentors and lay volunteers who can teach Torah reading. If you wish to learn but cannot attend class, please contact either Hazzan Tisser for help finding a teacher.