Our Yom HaShoah observance began with a moving rendition of “My Zadie” by Hazzan Tisser. Joe Adler introduced Beth El Holocaust survivors Ruth Fischer, Amos Turner, Edith Turner, Ruth Stern, and Nicole Terry who lit six memorial candles in memory of the 6 million. Nicole Terry shared her childhood memories being hidden in a convent in France, and how her Jewish identity was as important to her then, as it is now. High school students Gabriella Cooperman and Emma Halfin spoke about their experiences in Poland last year and how deeply impactful it was to visit the places where so many Jews had perished. They were both grateful to the Men’s Club for giving them the opportunity to take this trip, which will forever stay in their memories. Through pictures submitted by the participants of the March of the Living trip currently taking place in Poland, we were able to see some of the sights that Rabbi Kurtz and the Beth El group had witnessed that same day! The evening concluded with “Eli, Eli,” inspired by a poem by Hannah Szenes, and beautifully led by Tovah Goodman, Gabriella Cooperman and Emma Halfin.
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