(This draft is subject to change).
February 3rd: School wing renovation begins and access to the school is through the office entrance.
End of March: Construction begins on the new main entrance. We transition to using the sanctuary entrance to enter the building.
Early June: Completion of first phase of school wing construction.
Early August: Completion of mansion phase of construction. We hope to open the Cohen Religious School and Steinberg Pre-School with all construction complete.
Early November: Completion of new main entrance.
The work in the schools will be completed by the start of the next school year; work on the first floor of the school will be finished before camp starts. The new main entrance will be completed by mid-November.
We thank our many generous members who donated to our Mitzvah 613 campaign to write a new Torah scroll. The additional dollars raised fund this project.
It’s time for our Cohen Religious School and Steinberg Pre-School to have a 21st century update and upgrade. We are committed to providing the highest level of security for our congregation, and we were advised that the safest measure we can take is to utilize one primary building entrance.
Our updated environment will be conducive to learning, following principles of Reggio Emilia in our layout with updated lighting and flooring and repaired walls, renovated and upgraded school kitchen, and infrastructure important to facilitating inclusivity both upstairs and downstairs in our school wings. In the new facility, security features will be enhanced and the new lobby space will provide a secure entrance to our schools and our building.
This will provide a more formal security station through which every visitor will need to pass. Everyone will have to be buzzed in twice.
We have in place a robust displacement plan. Classes will be out of their regular classroom for no more than one week, and they will be elsewhere in the building for that time. We will do all we can to minimize the inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please contact President Marla Grossberg president@nssbethel.org.