What Is The Meaning of Chanukah?

Posted on December 26, 2024

By Hazzan JAcob Sandler.

‘Tis the season, and Chanukah is officially upon us. It’s not a high holiday, but with its proximity to Christmas, it’s perhaps one of the best known Jewish holidays among non-Jews (in predominantly Christian countries). I’ll credit the Rugrats and our friend Adam Sandler for making the holiday even more accessible outside Jewish spaces. Yet, how well do our neighbors really understand the meaning of Chanukah? And have we been prepared to help illuminate that meaning?

On Tiktok, Rabbi Seth Goldstein offered six possible meanings for this holiday. And since this is the holiday of 8s, I’ll add two more of my own.

The meaning of Chanukah is:

  1. Remembering the miracle of one day’s worth of oil that lasted 8 days, and therefore we need to be mindful and aware of the miracles in our own lives.
  2. Acknowledging the military victory of the Maccabees over an oppressive regime, and therefore we need to rise up and fight against all forms of oppression. 
  3. Resisting assimilation and preserving religious freedom, therefore we need to live into our traditions loud and proud. 
  4. Recalling that the holiday was a delayed celebration of Sukkot, and therefore we learn it’s never too late. 
  5. Rededication, the literal meaning of the word Chanukah. We rededicated the Temple, reminding us that we always have the power to renew what was lost.
  6. Creating more light in the darkest time of the year. 
  7. Publicizing the miracle by placing our Chanukiyah in the window, therefore we must educate and share our traditions with others! 
  8. Celebrating all of those ideas above with our loved ones. Chanukah is also about those with whom we celebrate! 

So whether you love Chanukah for the parties, the dreidels, the latkes or the candles, I hope this year it’s 8x more meaningful. 

Happy Chanukah!